
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to Care for Your 9tailors Items

While we are constantly stressing the importance of a good fitting pair of slacks and tailored shirts, once you have these flattering garments in your possession it is your duty to keep them looking sharp.

A common misconception about shirts is that dry cleaning is the best route for maintaining cleanliness and shape of your clothing. False!

The chemicals used during the dry cleaning process are very harsh on the finely woven fibers of your shirts. Regular dry cleaning will actually break down the integrity of your shirts sooner than good old fashioned laundering. Most dry-cleaners will offer laundering services and it would behoove you to opt out of chemicals in favor of a gentler cleaning agent. Not to mention the savings of the switch.

Now, if you care for your shirts at home just wash and hang dry. Avoid the dryer if possible.

As for suits, these are much more sensitive. While it would be best to avoid cleaning them at all, that may lead to a long lonely life as you stench may ward off potential companions. Just to refresh your memory never, and I mean never, put a suit in a washing machine. Unless of course you have this suit in which case feel free to shower with it on.

Dry cleaning a few times a year would be the best action to take with your suits. As dry cleaning is very harsh on your clothing it is in your interest to avoid dry cleaning but spot cleaning and brushing are highly recommended. Follow up with a professional steam pressing to get a crisp look.

Make sure to hang your suits after each wear by following the crease in each pant and draping them over a hanger. Hangers are also important because the wrong types, such as wire hangers, can permanently warp your clothing. By keeping your suits properly stored they will have a chance to air out before you wear them again.

If you are looking for suits or shirts to care for feel free to email us at to get a style consultant of your very own who can help you design a new look.

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