
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wild and Washable

Continuing with our slew of wedding related posts, what about cummerbunds?  This waist covering can look tired, old, and yes, even you, gentleman, can look fat. But while searching for some redeeming qualities in this possibly antiquated accessory I stumbled upon High Cotton Ties.  This company has provided a shining ray of hope for the modern dandy.  Check out some of my favorites below.

Some fresh pairs for summer and spring events

Rich options that are suited for fall and winter
Not only are these fresh cummerbunds exciting and new, they're washable.  As most people have found out, your dry cleaning bill can eventually trump the cost of the clothes.  The brilliant designers behind High Cotton Ties have made sure that you can throw these in the wash and not cry when you find them in the dryer later.  Get the matching set, get them separately, or get them monogrammed.  They will be the talk of the ball.

Of course no accessory should upstage the tuxedo.  Get yourself a showstopping tux from 9tailors to compliment your new accessory.  Email a style consultant to get your look together at  Don't forget that we cut wedding parties of 3 or more a 15% break on their purchase!