
Friday, May 25, 2012

Wear Suspenders? Why Not?

Suspenders, or Braces as they're known to our friends across the pond, were designed to keep trousers around your waist. They've been around for over 300 years and haven't gone away yet!

First hard and fast rule: Do not wear suspenders and a belt, it's either one or the other, never the twain shall meet! Suspenders are both functional and fashionable and are best paired with a bow tie, but generally any tie will do. Check out this very informative article how to wear suspenders and another one discussing the history in fashion.

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Just the other day, we had a groom in the studio designing a tuxedo. He had asked what we thought about suspenders. Now, we all think this is purely relative to how you want to look. Our advice? If you want to don suspenders with a tuxedo, go for white braces rather than a pattern or black. As we always say, less is more. And tuxedos are the most formal suit of all! White suspenders will blend seamlessly with with a stark white tuxedo shirt, and look extremely sharp. James Bond can do it, so can you!

Need a pair of pants with suspender buttons? Email a style consultant at and make an appointment today to design some slacks with this spruce option.

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