Well fellow Bostonians, here we are, #1 again. If the Bruin's latest victory wasn't enough, we are once again on top. But this time it's based on whats at the bottom of the barrel. Elected the worst dressed city in America, this isn't the top spot any city wants to hold.
Is it deserved? Or, is this a jab from a New York based publication (a small outfit that goes by the name GQ) that only serves the biased agenda of our greatest rival? One thing is for certain, none of our clients are contributing to the problem.
The piece, by GQ, does provide one out for this great city by acknowledging that a large portion of the population is composed of undergraduates that continuously don their leggings as pants, hoodies as formal outerwear, and uggs as fashionable footwear.

This should not be held against the population at large but another acute observation should be taken to heart, "'But Boston is the epicenter of prep style!,' you say? That's true, but it's with a little extra that ends up ruining everything: Khakis!—with pleats. Boat shoes!—with socks. Knit ties!—actually, no one in Boston seems to have ever seen one of these."
Please don't contribute to the fashion delinquency in this city. Get yourself to a style consultant who can dress you to the nines in a relaxing atmosphere. We have some serious deals at the moment as well, so let us know when you would like to come at info@9tailors.com.
So, toss out those pleated khakis and get into a flattering pair that will make the ladies swoon at your impeccable sense of style.
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